onsdag 24. februar 2010


I´m cold. And a bit bored. I havent been outside because of the cold, except from going to my car. Well, blogs keeps me inspires and I just found this in the, http://designismine.blogspot.com/
Its beautiful!
You can se more on the artists homepage, http://www.eunsukhur.com/#/nomadic_wonderland/recent_project:_about_normadic_wonderland/image_10

Enjoy! Spring is here soon, I will buy some seeds today an start planing the gardening season!!!


lørdag 20. februar 2010

Friends coming over tonight:)

Girls night at my place. My playlist is finished, my Paella is cooking and the bathroom soon clean.. Looking forward to tonight. Hopefully I will stay awake longer than I have the last week, my body is still on India time. Anyways, will post some illustration work I made yesterday and I wish you a great weekend.



søndag 14. februar 2010

Back from India!

Originally uploaded by Janne Amalie Svit
Just came back from beautiful India to cold Norway. had a fantastic time and will post images in the days to come. have uploaded a few to my Flickr account if you want to have a look:)


fredag 12. februar 2010


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.